After a long day at Mayfair the day before, the crew was slow to rise. Gary, Pat, Kyle, Colbert, and Phil stopped by. After some chill and movie time we headed back to Reading. I was glad to be picked up so I didn't bother to ask "Why?"
Villa with the nose grind pop out
Phil stays on his grind. In this case, a switch nose.
Gary, 5shove
Half a Berrap ,is a beer.
while Kyle was filming this nosegrind, Colbert bombed the hill we were on. Now, this isn't SF and Colby isn't Stranger, but HOLY SH!T. While we sat on the side of the road Colbert hauled ass past us toward the 4 lane intersection. By the time I noticed how fast he was going, I glanced up to see a RED light. I'm sure Colbert could see more then we could but a car rightfully went through the light and Colbert didn't flinch as he bombed right through it, within 6 to 8 feet of being a Ragdoll.
The Stoke of seeing my friend live while pushing the line, excited the whole crew. We were trippin. After we picked up our jaws, we couldn't stop laughing and highfiving each other as Colby kept cool. Be safe out there, but don't forget to live.
2 months ago