Monday, April 7, 2008

Tat Do It, take two, and call me in the morning

So,I stopped out to support my friends involved in the TatCon this weekend and had a fun time. I ended up with a afternoon nap and some blurry pics but got to see some old friends and have some good laughs. About half way through, Elliot was filling my pockets with Foster cans, the parking lot was on fire, and the comedy ensued. Including a moment when we were walking three deep through the glass sliding doors at the front of the hotel and I ran into the sliding door so hard it swung off the hinge and flew out instead of sliding. The people with me held their breath till we got outside, the girl next to me acted like nothing happened, and her boyfriend laughed right in my face. Well deserved, if I may add. 

click for large collage.

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